Public Service Announcement
We here at the Famous Blue Suitcase, have chosen to endorse Blogger Beta.
It freaking ROCKS!!!!!!!
Somewhere in here are the bones of St. George. I think he might be the table lamp over there.
We here at the Famous Blue Suitcase, have chosen to endorse Blogger Beta.
It freaking ROCKS!!!!!!!
Posted by TheDragon
9:02 PM
i dont get it...whats different? cept that it posts comments as me not as MinCat
It lets you configure your own blog!!!
so u can add boxs like th ones ive put on th side, or change the colours to wateva you want, an the font and lotsa things!!!!
Switch babe, its awesum!!!
you could always do that with Blogger. just go to template and mess with the HTML. Font size, type, color, border, whatever. So this is nothing new.
But blogger beta is VERY user friendly. Maybe it came easy to you, but messing aout with html was not my cup f tea. Hee they have easy to use boxs!
It also has more features, like restricting your readers, that blogger never had.
Yes, I suppose everything has to be made user-friendly after a while. The HTML junkies will not enjoy having their exclusivity over the mortals taken away. Everything is push-button now... bring back DOS!
Elitist dog!!
Your tyranny is cometo an end!!
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