Monday, June 04, 2007

Stand by Your Man

Have you ever felt constraind by the laws of society?

I used have the perfect man, for me. Yes I know, its hard to say that at 22 and mean it, espeacially since I had him when I was 16, but truly, I have never met anyone who was so suited to me. It was like taking two halves of a mind and joining it together. Finding the person who knew the joke you were going to make up, because they were making it up too. There was a lot of laughter back then. A LOT of laughter.

But (yes that was coming obviously)

Though our minds fit, and our personalities fit, and we really knew each other, I found myself forever reluctant to leap into what I think would have been an awesum twosome. The reason? We are not a perfect fit, in the material sense. The real world is a wall that we could not cross, the bonds of societies ever watching gaze kept us from commiting.

Oh fine, Ill be clear.

He's short and runty and Im tall and un-runty.

I know I know, this is shallow and mean spirited, but which gurl doesnt want that? We all grow up with pictures in our heads, and this boy, no matter how much he made me laugh and understood me, never figured in that picture. He just couldnt be that guy.

Of course that isnt the only reason why this didnt work out, for those reasons youll have to go to his blog and no Im not linking, but in the many many years since we were not together, when we have both been alone and in touch and laughing together, I never once took that step, or even considered taking it.

A gurl just shouldnt have to bend to kiss her man.


Saattvic said...

that's it. i hereby propose the formation of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Short People.

All in favour say 'AYE'!!!

TheDragon said...

Oh hardly!

Drama Queen!

The Cat said...

Hm. My first boyfriend was two inches taller than me. And Im *miniscule*. So well. Shattered all my lovely dreams abt "tall dark handsome" shite that we read abt so much in mnbs, but well. I was in love. Didn't seem to matter.
Retrospectively, though, I can only ack at it. :P

But. Shallow, innit? But. True too.

MinCat said...

but i must agree. the taller guy just HELPS! hehehehe. taller and broader=perfection

Fyg said...

Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Get it? Get it? Hah, fat chance.

A rather low blow, but a good one, at that. Bending is okay when it's a shot at the runt, but not when kissing the runt, eh?

moonstruck maniac said...

It is too difficult to digest but guess being a scorp, I do understand where does this stem from. Actually being just another person. But still, difficult to digest. and sattvic though i am not short, that does not mean I am like tall, AYE! :-D

TheDragon said...

Aaki: Yes I guess im too shallow and practical for love.


Fyg: You misunderstand Piggy. Its an observation, a sad one. I wish I was above the pettiness that this represents, but Im not.

Not, as I said, that these are/were the only problems.

Tho in general short people scare me. They are so easily trampled.

Moonstruck: Why thanks. Stingers should unite.

moonstruck maniac said...

scorps are always united, the cause is the deciding factor. moreso, it takes time and no time for a stinger to figure out another one. i hope u know what i am sayin

The Cat said...

/short people scare me. They are so easily trampled./

er, im a 5 ft 3. do i qualify as trample material? :(

Commander Coriander said...


The Cat said...

haha, mandavaboi.
was that ... for me, or the post?
oh well. rather shut up than nuffink. :P