Thursday, November 08, 2007

Dont Come to me for a Watered Down Love

Im facing a bit of a dilemma at the moment.

This space, though obviously not private in the true sense has always been safe to speak out in, because the people i have met here have been open minded and generally tolerant. Im not saying there arent bigotted and nasty bloggers (both who read and write are included in this definition), but i hvae been fortunate enough to have almost no interaction with them.

I never write to fit accepted social norms. I havent kept my life a secret, either on this blog or in the 'real' world. But in both places, my choices, opinions, views, though not always met with agreement, were always met with tolerance.

What Im trying to say, is that I have led a very sheltered existance, and am thus unused to being judged. Though in theory, and occasionally in practise, I KNOW what kind of reaction my decisions and lifestyle will bring out in educated, intelligent, conservative sections of our society, actually hvaing to deal with said reactions is exhausting.

I have been evicted from my closet to be honest. Or rather, I woke up to find that the back wall of my closet disappeared and the world was staring in, watching me dance around my living room to revolting love songs wearing My Little Pony flip flops and my boyfriends boxers. Its not the best feeling.

However, we (thats me and the new personality I developed due to the psychotic break i suffered at being discovered in boxers and flipflops slow dancing with a pillow to 'unbreak my heart') have decided that this is the year we are going to become proper grown ups. We live away from our parents, we earn money (not a lot but some), we share our life with another grown up who has given us much to want to be grown up about (and we thank him most affectionately), so we can deal with gossip and disapproval and outrage.

And I smoke too!


Kiro said...
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The Cat said...

dont come to me for a watered down love?

hey, thats *my* line! and a bit of dylans.. :P

Kiro said...

Happy Bday Misha

TheDragon said...

Aaki: Hey I asked you a long time ago if i could use that!!

Madhu: Thank you1 No, im not pissed, just busy. I will check out your blog though.

Kiro said...

Okay...New Post Alert...I repeat New Post Alert!!

Espèra said...

Come on man. The society doesn't ever welcome individualism. But that doesn't mean that we'll all morph into another of those aunties and uncles who bitch about people who have cooler life than theirs.

Espèra said...

*a cooler life