Tuesday, February 19, 2008

With this ring, I thee wed…

So marriage. I can’t say that I have spent too much time thinking about the institution. It’s always been there obviously, at the back of my mind, I am after all a good Indian girl and subject to the strings of the stereotype. Not too long ago however, I made up my mind never to get married. I had discovered much to my delight that I fell in and out of love every three months or so, and being perfectly content with the idea of doing it for the rest of my life I happily told the universe that love and marriage were not for me. I could not in all honesty imagine finding someone I could love forever, and so marriage seemed a rather stupid plan. And in view of all the horrible marriages I had seen erupt all over the place, it seemed like a stupid idea to even believe that you could love someone forever. I was saved from the terrifying trap that so many had fallen victim to, oh great joy!!

Right, so in this context, I have been rather solidly buggered. I have now been madly in love with the most unlikely man for seven months and counting, and instead of dying down, I appear to be showing rather alarming signs of falling even more in love with him. It’s terrible. There is nothing worse than being un-cynicised by life. You feel so profoundly stupid and generally childlike. I keep waiting for something to happen and for the rapidly diminishing cynic in me to jump up and say “AHA! I was right after all!”

Which brings us back to the original point of marriage. Once the subject was broached and I got over the initial barf reflex, I have discovered much to my surprise that not only do I want to get married, I have ideas about it. About what I’m going to wear and who I will invite and what is going to be served at which ceremony. Oh yes that’s right, I apparently want ceremonies. In plural. Where did I develop these horrible thoughts from? I have no recollection of ever consciously thinking about it. When did my traitorous girly mind form these plans, and how did it do so without telling ME?

Marriage, the life and not the day, isn’t terribly unappealing either, though that’s possibly because I am already living like I’m married to this man. I wash his underwear and he takes days off from work to look after me when I’m sick. It’s wonderfully comforting, and I wonder if could go back to my hit and run love affairs. It seems the guy who devised this whole ‘couple’ idea knew what he was doing. I recommend true love and mushiness to everyone! Go out and find someone you can cuddle and will respond when you refer to them as ‘Snugglybuns’ and Pookiepoo’. It’s surprisingly fun.


Anonymous said...

Apropos 'marriage- the life not the day" - "the day" bit would be called "wedding" not marriage. It's infuriating when people invite you to their "marriage."

Kiro said...

Haha...you lucky girl you...

Anonymous said...

Snugglybuns and Pookiepoo?

I disown you.


The Cat said...

i call mine spleechoo wombat. why? nobody knows.

TheDragon said...

Di: Ah I meant 'marriage' in terms of marriage ceremony, but I accept your point. My bad!

Madhu: Well lucky is, shall we say, a debatable term...

W: Oh hush! I dont actually call him snugglybuns and pookiepoo, they were just examples.

Aaki: Heeheeheehee Yes, I know what you mean. Strong emotion seem to have a strange effect on peoples vocabulary.

Saattvic said...

misha, you make me feel old....


TheDragon said...

What is wrong with marriage saattvic?
If you had a boy as beautiful as mine, youd want to marry him too. Lucky for me, in my case its legal!!