Sunday, April 01, 2007

A song of sixpence..

"hmmmmmmmmm hmmm hmmm....."

A tuneless hum that permeates my soul. Soft background noise that plays to everything I have ever done. Lead weight that hangs around my neck. The beating heart beneath the floor board even.

Can you hear it?

Im almost sure that everyone I know and everyone I meet for the first time, the last time, can all hear it. The soft strains of tuneless humming. I shake my head to sway the sound and the people think I disagree, but I dont. And the sound just never stops humming.

But there was this one time, or two or three times, when the humming made sense. When I could hear the little girl that sang that song, no that nursery rhyme, in a clear, pure voice that was untouched. The song didnt hum in her mind.

Like it does in mine.

There was a moment you know. A moment when that little girl stopped being a child that could sing a rhyme in innocence. Her body stayed young and childlike, and that was her crime. She was no longer untouched and pure. She couldnt sing anymore.

I couldnt sing anymore.

And the humming began. It never stops and I dont think it ever will. There is no safe place, where the sound wont find you.
I will live with those echoes forever.


The Cat said...

//There is no safe place, where the sound wont find you.//


moonstruck maniac said...

she was no longer untouched and pure.... dried up innocence!!!

MinCat said...

OISAY! what happened??? did you get revirginated? or just rejuvenated? snigger. muah. im here. im writing. just not for MinCat

ankurindia said...

nice blog

Saattvic said...


*pat pat*