Friday, November 03, 2006

The Beast of Id

I hate not being in control. A friend of mine recently told me that I always planned an Iron clad escape route from every relationship Ive ever been in, and Ive realised that its true. I have always been afraid of being caught with my pants down, so to speak, so I make sure that I include some clause somewhere that would let me escape with a whole skin and my dignity intact.

The problem with playing this cowardly game, and generally being an annoying twit by trying to outwit your emotions, karma and the universes will, is that eventually the universe gets sick of you and decides to teach you who's boss. Damn youre in trouble in now.

{I really thought I had it all covered. There was no way in hell that i could come out of this as anything but unscathed, and totally cool.

Boy was I wrong. Its like.... Heck Ive never fucking been here before. I feel reduced to my sixteen year old self. All sweaty palms and trembling lips and yearning heart. Full of questions I dont have the courage to ask and feelings I dont know what to do with. Isnt one of the advantages of being 21 that you dont have to play the silly teenage mating games anymore? That youre sophisticated and experianced, and unruffleable.


I feel like the universe has yanked the rug out from under my feet, and Im lying on my ass on a cold stone floor with my legs arranged over my head, my jaw hanging open in shock as twenty years worth of ridiculous sentimental bullshit is seeping its way out of my pores.}

And because you supressed that part of you for so long, when it finally escapes, it explodes out of you. An absolute monster in its invincibility and disregard for reason. A bawling, screaming, wailing toothless infant that is immune to concepts like self respect, composure or independance.
Its mine, he screams, I WANT it NOW. There is no way to silence this particular Beast of Id. You can only bite your lips together to keep them from opening and saying the things youre feeling outloud and emabarassing the crap out of yourself and forcing you to retire to a mountain top where the only creature who will hear you whine is the odd goat who'll glance at you disapprovingly before ushering its kids away so as to prevent them from picking up what is most certainly a vile kind of human madness.

I have been poleaxed by the universe. I feel like an absolute idiot.


jairaj said...

hey don't be too hard on yourself. i will believe its a phase that's rushing you by...cheers! feel it all the way...

jairaj said...

oh man, that'll be painful...but love, hmm...that should be the next post...cupid-stupid...!

Saattvic said...

Hey! Consider yourself lucky. Talking about various ways of getting OUT of a relationship. There's still a few of us trying to figure out ways of getting INto a relationship.

The Cat said...

Do you know how brilliant a writer you are? I know, not completely related to this post, but some parts here made me gasp at ease at which you come out with the exact right expression. And it happens with every single post. :)

TheDragon said...

Jerry: Heheehehe thats sticking in it in the eye of musical trdition.
Cupid Stupid eheheheheehehehe.

Saattvic: Well dude, im sure you'll find one soon enough and then think longingly of the time wen you were alone and happy. I dunno anyone youd like, or id set you up. I will keep loking.

Aaki: *Blushes* Thanks babe. I think you rock too!

jairaj said...

Won't believe me, but there's a really corny song by The Archies, Cupid Stupid. heh!

MinCat said...

thers a wanda jackson one clled stupid cupid. kickass.

mish babe mmmuah. welcome to our world. details or ill have to asume them :D

ak said...

I'd like to say, "Love is bullshit. Deal with it." But thats just rude isn't it.

jairaj said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kiro said...

Okay no cynicism...Hmmm...Lets look at things objectively...We have a variable called Misha Singh in the midst of many variables and constants that is reality...
We have a power struggle between Misha and Reality..the struggle is also about the matters of the heart...Thats the problem but what is the solution

Many of the solutions have been stated in the post itself
1) Cry like a baby
2) Go to the mountains and do some soul searching

well The Great Superman himself couldnt solve matters of the heart..I think you need to be fair to yourself and the lover and the superset (The us) to have a less chaotic love stream...but I think if things are casual...pulling in the sentiness will always land you in trouble...Now that depends on how experienced your guy is at casual affairs...An experienced casual lover can work wonders...but thats just the heart..

Now WHY are things like this??...Why is the game surrounded by these parameters??

I dont see the truth clearly...but heres a random shot...

In Troy there was a dialogue between Achilles and his lover

Achilles: The Gods are jealous of Men

Lover: But why

Achilles: Because Men are mortal
Because they are mortal, Everyday is more precious, every moment more beautiful than ever for the Gods...Life is more precious to us than them...

So well for you to have a LIFE things have to be the way they are...If you were to be God "Life" as such wouldnt exist...thats my take atleast..

Yohan said...

Madhu, I see you morphing into the writer of new age inspirational pop-philosophy! Superb!

jairaj said...

haha...Robin Sharma...